"For the Health of Your Growing Family... Supplemental Newborn Screening" or
"For the Health of Your Growing Family... Comprehensive Newborn Screening"
Our newest edition of our parent educational brochure covers such topics as:
- Why is my baby tested?
- How is my baby tested?
- What if my baby has one of these "disorders"?
In addition to answering these and other questions, lists of the disorders screened by our Supplemental, Comprehensive, and Specialty Programs are provided.
"Neo Gen Screening... The Gold Standard in Newborn Screening"
Our new brochure describes who we are, what services we offer, and a variety of topics providing information about Neo Gen Screening.
- Neo Gen Screening is a comprehensive, state-of-the art screening lab.....
- Genetic disease frequency data at our laboratory
- Annual Neo Gen Screening volume
- Cost / Benefits of Neo Gen Screening Program
- What services we provide in our screening programs.
In addition, we have links to other pages describing the conditions that we test for at Neo Gen Screening, the leader in comprehensive newborn screening services.
Clinical Diagnostic and Screening Services
"A laboratory specializing in Neonatal Screening and the Diagnosis of Inborn errors of Metabolism"
Our newest brochure that outlines our expanded clinical "high risk" testing services.
- We are an experienced laboratory having analyzed over a half million samples for inherited metabolic disorders using tandem mass spectrometry and other biochemical genetic methods.
- We offer other specialty and diagnostic testing services that include Organic Acid Testing and Quantitative Amino Acid Analysis.
- Automation and high volume testing in our routine newborn screening laboratory allow us to offer our programs and specialty testing services at considerably lower prices than currently available today in screening and clinical testing.
In addition, we have links to other pages describing details of each of our clinical screening and testing services with information with regard to specimen collection, shipping and handling, prices and billing information.
Technical Information
Specimen Collection Guidelines & Testing Information
Specimen Submission Form.
Guide to Tandem Mass Spectrometry and Its Use in Newborn Screening
An easy to understand guide explaining tandem mass spectrometry and its use in screening infants for more than 20 inherited metabolic disorders. Written for the layperson and educated consumer.
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