The Staff at Neo Gen Screening

The staff of over 30 employees at Neo Gen Screening has extensive experience in all aspects of newborn screening and has validated comprehensive state-of-the-art methodologies. The Companys President and Laboratory Director, Dr. Edwin Naylor, has over 25 years experience in all aspects of clinical applications and development of newborn screening technologies. As a postdoctoral fellow with Dr. Robert Guthrie, "the father of newborn screening," Dr. Naylor has demonstrated leadership in newborn screening from its early roots to providing vision for the future. He and the other professionals at Neo Gen Screening demonstrably the world leaders in development experience and demonstrate applications of technology using whole blood specimens spotted on filter paper. Our newest technology, electrospray tandem mass spectrometry, with which we are the first laboratory in the world to screen very large numbers of newborns on a regular basis , is directed by the current foremost authority (both nationally and internationally) for electrospray tandem mass spectrometry development and applications for newborn screening, Dr. Don Chace (formerly of Duke University Medical Center). This combined knowledge and professional maturity is further enhanced by an international panel of academic and clinical advisors and consultants who are highly knowledgeable about the field of newborn screening and metabolic disease.

Senior Professional / Clinical Staff

Edwin W. Naylor, Ph.D., M.P.H.

President, Laboratory Director

Donald H. Chace, Ph.D., M.S.F.S.

Section Chief, BioAnalytical and Mass Spectrometry Division

Steven Dobrowolski, Ph.D.

Section Chief,  Molecular Division

          Elizabeth Prence, Ph.D.

Section Chief,  Biochemical Genetics Division


Clinical Consultants

Lindsay F. Hofman, Ph.D.

Clinical Chemistry Consultant

David Finegold, M.D.

Clinical Consultant, Metabolism
(University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine)

Thomas P. Foley, M.D.

Clinical Consultant, Endocrinology
(University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine)


Follow-up Coordinators

Sandra G. Marchese, MS, MBA, CGC

Follow-Up Coordinator

Bethany Hettler, M.S.

Assistant Follow-Up Coordinator,
Genetic Counselor


Senior Laboratory Staff

Allen A. Bergum

Laboratory Manager

Pamela Polana

Biochemistry Laboratory Supervisor

                    Mass Spectrometry Laboratory Supervisor


Grants and Research Staff

Judy Henry, RN

         Coordinator, Adult Hypothyroid Screening Study



Senior Management and Office Staff

Robert O. Zinnen

                Chief Operations Officer

Grant Naylor, M.B.A.

       Vice President, Business and Systems Development

Judy Naylor

Billing, Accounts Receivable, Office Manager



Data Processing / Computer Consultants

Mark Berardi
PJ Borandi

Neo Gen Computer Data Systems Management
(Infosolv Inc.)




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